Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Feedback worked

Pawtobello actioned on my feedback, though I'm not sure what was done.

In her reply to me, the MD stated that it was a new team she had put up and she had spoken to them. Not sure what was transpired, though. Nonetheless, she was quite receptive of the whole thing and given me a 20% discount off my next bill!

I'm not sure why I emailed to her to show my unhappiness. Normally, I would just leave it alone and promised not to patronise them again - like a certain dog bakery at a certain petrol station and some other places.

But this time it's different, probably I want Pawtobello to succeed. You see, we dog owners are a deprived lot - we can't have a meal with our pets anywhere (ok, with the exception of SLL, but things may change, all it needs is someone to complain). I feel that Pawtobello is a genuine pet cafe where dog owners can dine with their pets without people giving us dirty looks

We have been to other pet cafes but somehow, Pawtobello "looks right". I'm not saying the others are no good but if I have a choice, I'd rather chill there.

So , looks like I may need to pay them a visit again and see what changes (especially to the breakfast menu) was being implemented.

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