Advice of the day : Never, never, ever order the breakfast menu. It was a complete LET DOWN !! The portion was horribly small, and cost $13 !! Not worth !!
Here's what it consists :
- a normal looking, normal sized sausage
- a normal looking, somewhat small sized fried egg, sunny side up, yoke half runny
- a slice of bacon
- a thin slice of ham, which by the way, tasted way too bland
- some baked beans, by my estimation, not more than a tablespoon
- supposedly some grilled tomatoes but they have obviously forgotten about it until we reminded them and then it came later, all few SLICES of it, to be shared by the 5 of us who ordered the breakfast
What a complete disappointment and rip-off !
Feeling tak shiok and tak cukup, we all headed down to Sketches, the pasta and pizza place a stone's throw away to have second round. Mind you, the Aglio Olio I ordered is only $7.90 but it's far more filling than the miserable $13 Pawtobello breakfast.
I have since emailed Pawtobello indicating my unhappiness. Awaiting their reply.
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