The British High Court rightly rejected the appeal of the schoolgirl who insisted on wearing the silver ring as "as an expression of my Christian faith not to have sex outside marriage".
Er... excuse me hor, shouldn't that be part of one's moral - regardless of whether one is Christian or not? You mean you need to wear a ring to remind you of that? And for that matter, to remind other people of that fact?
What is this world coming to? Ok, picture this :
- on my left middle finger, I have the SRT
- on my left wrist, I have a bracelet to remind me "Thou shall not kill"
- on my right ankle, I have an anklet than reminds me to "Honour my father & mother"
- on my left earlobe, I have an earring to remind "not to bear false witness against my neighbour"
- just above this earring, I have another one to remind me "Thou shall not steal"
- I have a toe ring on my right second toe to remind me "not to covet my neighbour or their stuff"
- I also have a nose ring to remind me that I "shall have no other Gods before Me"
- on my right ring finger, I have a string tied round to remind me of why I have all the other ornaments I'm wearing
- and a head band to remind me to buy milk
I'm just surprised that one needs to be "reminded" of such things - ok lah maybe to buy milk, but of moral stuff? Shouldn't parents be imbibing their kids these stuff and not having to depend on "outward reminders"? In the case of this British schoolgirl, the parents actually agreed with and supported her.
Parenting has now gone very terribly wrong.
I wonder what will people come up with next time - stick post-its all over their bodies?
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